Thursday, November 27, 2008


The question that has been asked again and again, is why are we in Iraq?  When are we going to bring our troops home?  The answers are not given by anyone in the Government, and the public is left to wonder.  Watch this video it will blow your mind...
Why aren't videos like this being shown to more of the public.  The mainstream media does not make videos like these easy public knowledge.  The Iraq War, also known as the second Gulf War or the Occupation of Iraq (which I find to be the most accurate).  Began on March 20, 2003 with the invasion of Iraq by troops from different nations, mainly the U.S. and the United Kingdom.  The reason?  Iraq supposedly contained weapons of mass destruction, which according to the Bush administration posed a serious threat to the security of the United States and our allies.  The interesting part that brings much skepticism, is the fact that UN inspectors found no evidence of weapons of mass destruction.  Then, the United States accused Saddam Hussein of harboring terrorists, namely, Al-Qaeda, but again, no evidence was found supporting these claims.

Once we invaded we took out Saddam's top guns, and even killed his two sons.  Saddam went into hiding, and could not be found for a period of time.  However on December 13, 2003 on a farm in Iraq, Saddam was found hiding underground just as we had suspected.  Shortly after the invasion, the U.S. and allied forces quickly took over the Iraqi military and we attempted to establish a new democratic government there.  Which was a disaster, violence  among coalition groups and sectarian groups led to warfare with the Iraqi insurgency.  Thousands and by some accounts, millions of Iraqis have been killed through 2007.  We then promised over $20 billion in reconstruction aide, given to Iraq as a loan against their oil revenues.  I wonder if there was any profit built into that plan?  I am absolutely positive there was.  I am sure there were large amounts of interest built into that repayment plan.

In 2008, we are still involved in this war, and we still occupy Iraq.  What is the future of this war?  Well, Obama said,   "if the definition of success is so high: no traces of Al Qaida and no possibility of reconstitution, a highly effective Iraqi government, a democratic multi-ethnic, multi-sectarian functioning democracy with no Iranian influence, at least not of the kind that we don't like, then that portends the possibility of us staying for 20 or 30 years. If, on the other hand, our criteria is a messy, sloppy status quo but there's not huge outbreaks of violence, there's still corruption, but the country is struggling along, but it's not a threat to its neighbors and it's not an Al Qaida base, that seems to me an achievable goal within a measurable timeframe."  So from what Obama has said, we will still be there for at least a couple more years.  It doesn't seem that anyone will pull our troops out of Iraq.  Maybe that is a good thing and will create less tension between the United States and the Middle East, or maybe we should pull out so our troops stop dying.  

So basically to recap in an extremely simplified and shortened version.  We invaded Iraq, bombed their buildings, killed their leader, killed many of their family members and soldiers, caused billions of dollars in damage to the country and have failed to set up a balanced democratic government.  It sounds like another huge failure on behalf of our government.  Why were we really over there?  Was it to tear apart and blow up their country to later loan them money to rebuild it, in which we would participate in their oil revenues?  Very plausible.  The point is that we have failed in every objective we had in going to Iraq.  All it has ended in, is the U.S. occupation of Iraq, and Iraq wanting us out.  Many soldiers speak out against this war and they way the Iraqi people are being treated... 
How would we respond if another country occupied the U.S.? We would be much more outspoken than the Iraqis have that is a guarantee.  Are there terrorists in Iraq?  Yes, many.  Why don't we focus on getting them out, then take our troops out and leave the Iraqis to build their own democratic government in peace.  I feel a major part of us going in to Iraq was to get a piece of that oil money, of which there is billions!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The answer is simple. Economic stimulation! Most people don't realize how much money there is out there. During economic times like this, there is more money to be had than ever. Because of the bailouts and economy, lenders are bending over backwards to bail you out too. Believe it or not, there is people getting tons of cheap money nowdays to start businesses, buy homes, pay off debt, and more. Bailout is for you too!