What was proposition 4 all about? Why would the government get involved in a woman's and ultimately a family's issues? It is ridiculous sometimes how the government puts their noses where they don't belong. Why do they think they have the right to decide what a woman (or a young girl) has to do in order to have an abortion? I personally think that this proposition was ridiculous, and am very happy it did not pass.
Proposition 4 would have changed the way that women have been getting abortions for many years now, which is by their own choice, and not requiring anyone's consent. Prop 4 if it would have passed, would have done a few things. First, it would have changed the constitution to prohibit abortions for unemancipated minors until 48 hours after a physician notifies the parent or legal guardian of the minor. Why should it be up to the parent? What if the minor is too embarassed, and her parents don't know that she is sexually active? This is where underground abortions would come into play, and many more deaths would occur due to non professionalism. The second provision in the proposition would afford the courts the right to decide to waive notice
if there is clear and convincing evidence of a minor's maturity or best interests. This also leads to problems, due to the fact that the ability of the minor to get an abortion relies on the subjective judgement of a Judge. Why is that fair? Every Judge will have a different opinion in this regard which would create much controversy. Another provision would authorize damages against physicians for violation. This brings a doctor, in many cases a family doctor, who may have long term or family ties to the parents of the pregnant minor. What if the minor does not want her parents to know, because they are likely to beat her, excommunicate her from the family, or just leave her own her own. If the minor is left to be on their own, and because the family will not allow her to get an abortion, then she will have to move out carry a full time job to barely be able to afford the baby. That is of course a smart and savvy young lady, because in most cases what happens is the minor will have to be put on welfare, which we all know our economy can't handle.
This is not the first time Legislature has attempted to pass this. In 1987, a law that had allowed minors the right to abortion without parental consent (passed in 1953) was attempted to be amended by the Legislature. However due to legal challenges it never passed, and the Supreme Court finally struck it down in 1997 and did not allow it to pass.
Check out this clip, it pretty much sums up a few things I have said...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfAo_e0g3m8 . I am glad this proposition did not pass. It is better left to the decision of the minor. If for some reason they do not feel they are ready to have a baby, whether it be for financial, emotional, family, or mental immaturity reasons, then they should have the choice to have the abortion.
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