Wednesday, November 19, 2008


There are many videos, articles, podcasts, and websites dedicated to the conspiracy theory that we didn't really land on the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission. You could easily find yourself spending hours upon hours studying, researching, and immersing yourself in these theories. In all I watched approximately 30 youtube videos, many of them were very hoaxy and not believable at all, however some of them are extremely detailed and believable.

The first video I will comment on, supposedly shows some never before aired, unedited videos from Apollo 11 showing the Earth in a window. The video is long but, very interesting, and extremely convincing... . The shot of the Earth in the window of the spacecraft, are manipulated and very misleading according to this video. If this video is real than, there is absolutely no question that the Moon landing of the Apollo 11 was fake. You may ask yourself why would the U.S Government fake the Moon landing? Easy, the U.S. was in a space race with the Soviet Union, and we wanted to boost morale, and show the general public that we too can land on the Moon. In watching the video at 4:00 you can see the irregular shape of the Earth in the video, the Earth is a perfect circle it is not lopsided as it appears in the video. It also explains that camera was placed at the back of the aircraft, completely blacked out the interior of the spaceship, and used the circular shaped window (which is completely filled with the Earth) to create the illusion that it was actually the entire Earth from 130,000 miles out (half way to the moon). At 7:00 Neil Armstrong can be heard saying that the camera was placed right at the glass, but a few seconds later you can see an astronauts arm get into the picture, which would be impossible if the camera lens was placed against the window. Then at about 8:00 the camera supposedly was not stopped and you can see them let light into the spacecraft, proving that it was completely manipulated and the shot was fake.

Another video I saw, which I found to be very interesting, and somewhat suspicious. It is of the Press Conference with the Apollo 11 Astronauts. Watch the video and pay close attention to the body language of the Astronauts during the press conference... . If you noticed, like I did, the Astronauts are very spotty, and alomost look depressed. Why would they be depressed about one of the greatest achievements in American history? Is it because they were paid, and possibly forced to lie that they walked on the Moon? Maybe. In my opinion, they all look like they are lying, and are extremely suspicous. Not one smile, and I also noticed that in the video the words "landing on the Moon" were not used. Instead they referred to landing on the Moon as their "great journey." Is it all a bunch of bull, who knows, but the conspiracy theories are somewhat convincing that is certain.

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