. I could not believe that the Obama
campaign would leave this video, wouldn't they try to erase the video? It honestly blew
me away. It is very detrimental to the Obama campaign. I would not be surprised if
people around the country based on this video alone believed Obama to be a
terrorist. It is very convincing and powerful, the way they used the quotes from known
people, and quotes directly from Bill Ayers. Even more astounding, is the fact that
more than 200,000 others viewed this same video since it was posted. The impact
the internet has is more than the technologically advanced president-elect could even
imagine. I assume they knew this kind of thing would happen, but I doubt that years
ago when Obama was at a meeting with Bill Ayers he could foresee the damage it
was going to have on his Presidential campaign. With the technology basically millions
of Americans have at their fingertips (literally) it is practically impossible to be unable
to dig up dirt on someone.
Back to my original question, IS OBAMA A TERRORIST? This next video I saw sure wants
you to believe it.. . Ridiculous? I don't
know, believable probably not, but influential definitely. Believe it or not 89,000 others
watched that video. Did it affect me, no not really, would it affect other people, possibly.
The video was put together much better than the first one in this post. I liked the way
they put pictures of Obama next to Hitler, and Castro (he even got them in the same
poses). Call that person ignorant, call him an idiot, call him whatever you like, the
matter of fact is that he is clever. He had something on his mind that he wanted others
to know about. His way of getting others to listen, was to post a video with a very
catchy title, and in doing so 89,000 watched his message to the world. Interesting
how one person at home on a computer can touch the minds of that many people
with a few clicks of a mouse.
I can't really blame the bloggers and citizen journalists out there that say the bad things
they do about Obama. Watch this video and tell me how he is helping himself, and his
negative image.. . Are you serious?
Why would he make this commercial? He has one of those crazy pastors that scream at
you at four in the morning after falling asleep watching t.v. This guy sounds absolutely
ridiculous in that commercial, and I don't believe that commercial helped Obama's case
that he is not a radical. In my opinion t.v pastors with their crazy statements, and
ridiculous messages are extremely radical, and it makes me as a voter think twice about
voting for someone with such radical ties. Call it what you want, so far there is proof
that he has friendly ties with Bill Ayers, and now he has ties a crazy t.v pastor? Wow, he
is making it so much harder on himself, to not be negatively criticized.
In writing this, I began by typing in Obama terrorist on youtube. After selecting a video
with a fairly high amount of views, I simply continued to choose videos in the related
section. Bringing me to the other two videos I commented on. I believe this gives a little
less biased choice of videos. Any person curious as I was in typing in Obama terrorist,
could have gone on the same ride as I did, and saw the same videos. It seems to me, to
be much more realistic.
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