There are many websites that devote themselves to bringing to light all the mishaps, lies, scandals, and cover-ups that Bush has been involved in. I will go over a few of the mistakes that Bush is accused of making and some of the scandalous things that he has been involved in.
1. He has been accused of lies, fraud, and deception to promote the war in Iraq.
According to Bush, they only lied about 16 words. According to criticism, Clinton was impeached for only lying about 9 words, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." So why do they allow Bush to go on, uninterrupted?
2. He was convicted of drunk driving and lied to cover it up.
Bush admitted that he was convicted of drunk driving on September 4, 1976. But what happened is Fox news reported that fact four days before the election, in their normal pre-election trash talking.
3. He was involved in three suspicious big deals that made him a lot of money.
His failed oil company was one of them to which was sold to Harken Energy which made him a consultant and paid him $100,00 a year, and allowed him to buy stock at 40% below value. He was also accused of insider trading and selling his Harken Energy stock in 1990 for $847,000. There was no proof of the insider
trading and Bush was never cited for this. The third deal was when he got a piece of the Texas Rangers baseball team for only $600,000 of money that wasn't his, but of supporters of his dad. Years later he sold the 10% chunk that he owned for $14 million. A very profitable investment indeed.
4. He is accused of being a rich, partying, playboy.
Every candidate has partied at some point in their life, but according to criticism, Bush partied a little too hardy. Supposedly he was arrested in 1972 for cocaine possession, which I could not find evidence of. But, he has admitted to having a problem with drinking, but quit cold turkey when he turned 40. Mid-life crisis?
It's not hard to find videos on Bush "bashers" and their explanations as to the ridiculous things Bush has done to our country. Watch this one...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMdFGkTlLAo . There are many skeptics out there quick to point out all the faults in the Bush administration. Many of them are true, albeit unverifiable in many cases. The fact of the matter is that Bush, was, a party animal. He was repeatedly admitted to this, as has his administration.He has yet to admit that the U.S. should get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Was he involved in some shady business deals? Probably. You would be hard-pressed to find a politician who doesn't have any skeletons in his or her closet. Yes, he did create some huge issues in our economy. But, if you do a little research you would find that many of these issues were lingering at the beginning of his first term. I am not a Bush "basher" but I do agree with many out there that are pointing out his flaws. His main source of criticism, is the U.S. involvement in Iraq? Maybe, it is definitely possible considering the fact that we have not created a viable form of renewable energy, and may not for many years... The U.S. does consume a huge portion of the world's petroleum...
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