Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Many people have heard of the Illuminati, but they don' t really know much about it. In doing research on this topic on the Internet and on youtube, you could literally spend hundreds of hours picking apart the information and grasping all that it has to offer. I spent a few hours researching this conspiracy theory, and it struck enough interest for me to post about it.
The Illuminati is an alleged secret society of illumined people, or people that see things others cannot. The idea is that these illumined ones have been and continue to be involved in a plot to take over the world. It sounds ridiculous at first glance, but after a little research you can see why many people believe that this secret society exists. It was supposedly started in 1776 by a council of five men one for each of the points on a pentagram (see the dollar bill above). One aspect of this conspiracy theory that makes it so appealing to Americans is the fact that our one dollar bill has this pyramid with an eye at the top, which is said to be the "all seeing eye." These five men apparently formed what was called "The Ancient and Illuminated Seers of Bavaria." And according to legend they were all high order Freemasons (my next post) which are thought to be Luciferians. The Illuminati deal with developing the super powers of the mind.
Using the super powers of the mind their alleged plan and purpose is world domination for their lord (Lucifer). They are alleged to be behind ideas such as; The New World Order, and centralized control of the world's economic systems. "It was their plan that, in order to enforce their encroaching “governance” plan, they would require a Global Military force (U.N. Peacekeepers) and a World Court to prosecute all who oppose them (The International Criminal Court). This would all be accomplished by brainwashing the gullible masses through control and manipulation of beliefs, the means of production, the press, educational curriculum, and political leadership of the nations." This is a long video, but it tells everything you need to know about the Illuminati... . The guy's voice on the video is kind of annoying but it is very informative and most of the information is objective as can be with a conspiracy theory. Reference to the Illuminati can be seen in the recent movie with Tom Hanks called the Da Vinci Code.
What does this group really do? Why do they call themselves the illuminati? Why does our one dollar bill have their symbol on the back of it? It is widespread knowledge that the secret society does exist, it is unknown however what the purpose of that secret society is, and what their agenda is.

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