Thursday, November 20, 2008


I did this post, because this was one of the reasons that I voted for the first time, this election. I am 23 years old and never felt compelled to vote, so I never did. However my mom gave a pamphlet describing all the propositions that were in this ballot, and I made the time to go vote.

Proposition 2 was the ballot initiative to stop the use of small cages to confine veal calves, breeding sows, and laying hens. In the initiative passing it afforded these farm animals larger cages to give them to room to fully extend their wings and limbs and to be able to turn around completely in their cages. This, I think was one of the most important propositions on the ballot, it is disgusting to see the way that these animals are treated, and to be honest it makes me sick to my stomach. Check out this video, it is highly disturbing and downright sad... . After watching this video it makes me want to be more involved in animal rights. In case you are wondering, no I am not a vegetarian, I eat meat and dairy products every single day. So in a way, I am supporting these farmers that put these animals in these horrendous and stressful environments. It almost makes me want to be a vegetarian! If it's any constellation I refuse to eat veal specifically because of the way these baby cows are treated, it's disgusting.

I am very happy that this proposition passed, and I hope that it is very strictly enforced to spread the word that the horrendous treatment of farm animals will not be tolerated. I feel that this is a small step towards making an animal that feeds humans, a little less stressed out, and I hope that more rights and freedoms are given to these animals in the future.

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