JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas while riding in an open air limousine. After his murder, a 10 month investigation led by the Warren Commission and other agencies, found Lee Harvey Oswald to be the murderer of JFK. Here is where the questions, and theories go wild. How was the only shooter when there were multiple entrance and exit angles that the bullets had in JFKs skull. That is not possible to come from only one spot, from one shooter. Not many people believe the Warren Commission's findings to be accurate. In fact, gallup polls show that as much as 80% of the public hold beliefs contrary to those findings.
So who killed JFK that day in Dallas? No one knows besides the shooters. There are, however, many different theories that have been circulating since his death, and continue to this day. Different conspiracy theorists allege different groups as the murderers of JFK. Some theories say it was; the CIA, the Mafia, the KGB, the FBI, Fidel Castro, and Cuban exile groups among many others. The fact of the matter is that no one can prove who actually killed JFK, hence the reason it is coined a conspiracy theory.
Many people have tried to reconstruct the Warren Commission's findings that there was only one shooter, and only three bullets fired. The reason, no one believes that the scenario presented by the Warren Commission was impossible. Two former U.S. Marine snipers replicated the scenario exactly, the angles, the gun, everything was perfectly replicated. The problem was that they could not replicate the angle that the bullet took in leaving JFK and hitting Governor Connally. The snipers found it impossible to do, and therefore said that there was more than one shooter. His words, "if i can't do it, how in the world can a guy who was a non-qual on the rifle range and later only qualified 'marksman' do it?" Moreover, 16 years later the House Select Committee on Assassinations found the reports done by the FBI and the Warren Commission to be "seriously flawed." The committee also found that there were at least four shots fired, and that a conspiracy was likely to exist.
The most famous witness films recorded was the Abraham Zapruder film. Many conspiracy theorists have used this film as proof that there was more than one angle from which the bullets came from. I found many videos, and clips of the Zapruder film, but I found this one to be the clearest picture..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E66__vymfPA . The most interesting
part of the video is when the person in front of JFK turns around and something
in his hands, and puts a cloth over something. It's definitely suspicious, considering
that the bullet was supposed to have come from the back when JFKs head went
the opposite direction. If you look very closely it looks like the man sitting in
front on JFK had a gun in his left hand and fired the final shot, which was the
most suspicious and unexplained shot in the assassination.
To me, conspiracies are fun they are interesting, and very time consuming. But
to others, this is their life, and they live off of analyzing videos and documents.
Do I know who killed JFK? No. I don't think anyone really does.
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