Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
On July 7, of 2005 there were a series of coordinating bombings that hit London's public transportation system, namely public trains. At 8:50 in the morning three bombs exploded within fifty seconds of eachother on three underground trains. After one hour, a fourth bomb exploded on the Number 33 public bus in London.
There was no knowledge of these attacks on behalf of British intelligence. It was the largest and most deadly terrorist attack on London's public transportation system ever. It created a huge outcry, being that 52 people were killed, and over 700 people were injured. We are talking of big bombs. The terrorist attack was carried out by British Islamists. The video I decided to post was put together by a British news station, which I found to be very informative... .
The bombings instantly became world news, and practically every major news network in the United States and Britain covered the story. It turns out that, the bombings were in fact suicide bombings. The four suicide bombers seemed to be inexperienced, and were found with identifying items which led to the discovery of a bomb factory in Leeds. Furthermore the bombers had purchased return tickets. The combination of these two facts, has led police to speculate that the bombers may have been mislead by superiors to believe that they would be returning home. In my opinion that is a very viable option considering the fact that not many people want to die, and maybe they were told they would be returning out of fear that they might back out at the last minute, uncovering the whole plot without carrying it out.
As a result there were seven arrests of British Muslims that were in some way connected with the bombers. There were videos found made by two of the bombers. In these videos they describe their purpose and what they seek to accomplish in carrying out these types of attacks on the British. One of the videos describes what will cause the terrorist attacks to stop, "Until we feel security you will be our targets and until you stop the bombing, gassing, imprisonment and torture of my people we will not stop this fight. We are at war and I am a soldier. Now you too will taste the reality of this situation." Hearing words like that sends a chill down your spine. You realize that these people are ruthless and will stop at nothing to get what they want. The other video, has a similar outlook on why these attacks were carried out. The terrorist explains, "What have you witnessed now is only the beginning of a string of attacks that will continue and become stronger until you pull your forces out of Afghanistan and Iraq. And until you stop your financial and military support to America and Israel." They are attacking the British because of their involvement in the war on terror? That's ironic. When will these attacks stop? Who knows. But, I do know that they will continue as long as the United States stays in Afghanistan and Iraq. We are the outsiders trying to come in, and to these Islamic terrorist groups, that is an infringement on their lives, and they want retaliation. The more they want retaliation, the more we want retaliation. If looked at it in that simple sense, it won't be ending anytime soon.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Look directly to the left of the clock in the picture above, that's George Bush Sr. What is the Skull and Bones? What are their beliefs? Do they worship the devil? Questions that have proved very hard to answer over the years. The fact of the matter is that many famous people have been a part of this secret society since it's creation in the 1800's, but yet no one knows much about it. I spent some time researching the subject, and summarize it for my blog.
The Skull and Bones is a secret society that was created in 1832 at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. It was created by debating societies in Yale. Their emblem is a skull and crossbones over the 322. The relevance of the 322 is supposedly the year in which an ancient Athenian named Demosthenes died. He was a political activist, and a lawyer in his time. You could definitely say that Skull and Bones is a secret society reserved mainly for the wealthy. Many Skull and Bones members have gone on to hold high positions in government. To name a few; Prescott Bush, George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., John Kerry. Some other people by their family names; Taft, Rockefeller, Goodyear, Forbes, Kellogg, Vanderbilt. Get the point? Many conspiracy theorists say that the Skull and Bones can be tied in directly to the Illuminati and the New World Order. Are the correlations there? Yes, look at the facts. George Bush Jr. admitted to being a part of the Skull and Bones while in college, and so did John Kerry. In Bush Jr.'s autobiography he explains, "I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society; so secret, I can't say anything more." Wow that's scary. Our own President won't even tell his people what this society is all about, kind of weird I would say. Check out this video, to get a mainstream media news report on the Skull and Bones...
It's a pretty interesting subject and I decided to share it on my blog. It's secrecy, and reluctancy to be explained by any member allows the conspiracy theorist and their imagination to run wild.
I honestly sometimes cannot believe the denial and ignorance that Americans participate in. It is absurd. Did anyone even read what proposition 5 would have done? I doubt it. I presume that the majority of voters saw that it would help people who do drugs, and drug offenders, and immediately voted no. If they would have taken the time to read what would have been involved in the passing of this proposition or maybe done a little due diligence on the subject they would have realized that voting no, further prolongs America's struggle with drugs.
Proposition 5 would have done a few things. First, it would have allocated $460,000,000 annually to improve and expand treatment programs for persons convicted of drug and other offenses. Second, it would limit the court's authority to incarcerate offenders who commit certain drug crimes, break drug treatment rules or violate parole. Third, it would shorten parole for certain drug offenses, and increase parole for serious and violent felonies.
Let's look at the $460,000,000 annually. Yes, it is a lot of money, but pennies compared to what we are spending on the war in Iraq, and what we have spent on the "war on drugs" in America since the 80's. The second part says it would "limit" the court's authority to incarcerate offenders of certain (not all) drug crimes, specifically non-violent ones. Why are we filling our jails with people spending months and years for simply having drugs on them, if people want to do drugs, let them, but if they commit a crime, then they should be punished accordingly. It is a fact that the United States incarcerates more of it's citizens than any other country in the history of the World. People don't realize that it costs seven times as much to incarcerate an individual rather than rehabilitate them. That is ridiculous. Even more ridiculous is the recidivism rate between people who spend time in jail and people who go through drug treatment programs. Only approximately 16% of people who go through treatment programs are repeat offenders, however, 32% of people who spend time in jail end up becoming repeat offenders. Why doesn't the American public educate themselves on this issue. The government sure won't educate us, considering how many billions of dollars the prison industry brings in every single year. Are they somehow participating in a cut of these profits? You can bet your ass they are. They are the ones who put the laws in the Legislature, and the prison industry, many of whom are privately owned corporations are sure loving them and giving them "gifts."
Take a look at how much money the state would save if proposition 5 would have passed. State savings would potentially exceed $1 billion annually! Are you kidding? What does that tell you? It tells you that it is much cheaper to rehabilitate someone, rather than jail them. Even more astounding would be the net one-time state prison savings exceeding $2.5 billion. I wonder why it didn't pass. I am sure many politicians and Legislators made a fortune in payoffs from this proposition not passing. Yet again the public fooled. Watch this video to get a taste of what I am talking about...
What was proposition 4 all about? Why would the government get involved in a woman's and ultimately a family's issues? It is ridiculous sometimes how the government puts their noses where they don't belong. Why do they think they have the right to decide what a woman (or a young girl) has to do in order to have an abortion? I personally think that this proposition was ridiculous, and am very happy it did not pass.
Proposition 4 would have changed the way that women have been getting abortions for many years now, which is by their own choice, and not requiring anyone's consent. Prop 4 if it would have passed, would have done a few things. First, it would have changed the constitution to prohibit abortions for unemancipated minors until 48 hours after a physician notifies the parent or legal guardian of the minor. Why should it be up to the parent? What if the minor is too embarassed, and her parents don't know that she is sexually active? This is where underground abortions would come into play, and many more deaths would occur due to non professionalism. The second provision in the proposition would afford the courts the right to decide to waive notice
if there is clear and convincing evidence of a minor's maturity or best interests. This also leads to problems, due to the fact that the ability of the minor to get an abortion relies on the subjective judgement of a Judge. Why is that fair? Every Judge will have a different opinion in this regard which would create much controversy. Another provision would authorize damages against physicians for violation. This brings a doctor, in many cases a family doctor, who may have long term or family ties to the parents of the pregnant minor. What if the minor does not want her parents to know, because they are likely to beat her, excommunicate her from the family, or just leave her own her own. If the minor is left to be on their own, and because the family will not allow her to get an abortion, then she will have to move out carry a full time job to barely be able to afford the baby. That is of course a smart and savvy young lady, because in most cases what happens is the minor will have to be put on welfare, which we all know our economy can't handle.
This is not the first time Legislature has attempted to pass this. In 1987, a law that had allowed minors the right to abortion without parental consent (passed in 1953) was attempted to be amended by the Legislature. However due to legal challenges it never passed, and the Supreme Court finally struck it down in 1997 and did not allow it to pass.
Check out this clip, it pretty much sums up a few things I have said... . I am glad this proposition did not pass. It is better left to the decision of the minor. If for some reason they do not feel they are ready to have a baby, whether it be for financial, emotional, family, or mental immaturity reasons, then they should have the choice to have the abortion.
Some may say that Ron Paul is crazy. Is he really though? I don't know, but he does speak his mind and is not afraid to say something that may make him look bad to some. I don't think his idea really is to get people to like him. Which may have something to do with why he didn't win the primary election. But his outspoken mind is something that I believe should be applauded. I think the place where people usually say something that can cause a negative reaction is usually on blogs, the Internet, and on youtube. It's not something you really see on Capitol Hill.
I found a great video showing exactly what I am saying. He is not afraid to speak his mind at all. Check it out... . In this video, Ron Paul critiques and questions Chairman of the Federal Reserve System, Ben Bernanke. Ron describes that we have run into a problem (the U.S.), and that our lack of understanding of the Great Depression of the 30's is one reason for our economic crises. He claims that there was excessive credit, and bad investments in the 20's that led to the depression. The problem stems from price fixing, which over time and in different economies has proven to be unsuccessful. When you price fix you become Socialistic, and history has shown us that Socialism does not work. He also says that the prices should come down, because that is what the market says it should do. He estimates that there is probably only 15% of Americans that care about the constitution, and even less in Washington. His ending line is, "we can't end inflation with more inflation."
Ron Paul, is he crazy? Maybe. Smart? Definitely
I did this post, because this was one of the reasons that I voted for the first time, this election. I am 23 years old and never felt compelled to vote, so I never did. However my mom gave a pamphlet describing all the propositions that were in this ballot, and I made the time to go vote.
Proposition 2 was the ballot initiative to stop the use of small cages to confine veal calves, breeding sows, and laying hens. In the initiative passing it afforded these farm animals larger cages to give them to room to fully extend their wings and limbs and to be able to turn around completely in their cages. This, I think was one of the most important propositions on the ballot, it is disgusting to see the way that these animals are treated, and to be honest it makes me sick to my stomach. Check out this video, it is highly disturbing and downright sad... . After watching this video it makes me want to be more involved in animal rights. In case you are wondering, no I am not a vegetarian, I eat meat and dairy products every single day. So in a way, I am supporting these farmers that put these animals in these horrendous and stressful environments. It almost makes me want to be a vegetarian! If it's any constellation I refuse to eat veal specifically because of the way these baby cows are treated, it's disgusting.
I am very happy that this proposition passed, and I hope that it is very strictly enforced to spread the word that the horrendous treatment of farm animals will not be tolerated. I feel that this is a small step towards making an animal that feeds humans, a little less stressed out, and I hope that more rights and freedoms are given to these animals in the future.
The idea of many is not to legalize drugs, that would cause chaos. The goal is to decriminalize drugs. In order to summarize what that would mean, people should be allowed to put whatever they choose into their bodies, without the government's involvement. The government should only get involved when a crime has been committed. Many people including high status politicians agree that the "war on drugs" is a complete failure and is costing too much money. Check out Obama's view on that issue... . Think about what the decriminalization would mean, and how much money we as the taxpayers would save if the drugs were decriminalized. The prisons would not be as full with people serving 30 years to life for a third strike offense for having some cocaine on them. Sure it's a drug, but if they are not commiting a crime to get the drug, or while they are on it, why should the government get involved. Compare the U.S. to other places where drugs are tolerated. For instance in Holland. Holland has one third the drug users that America has. Yes, that is a fact. How is that possible when you can walk into a coffee shop and smoke marijuana or eat a bag of psychadelic mushrooms? The answer seems to be that by tolerating a drug the negative glamorization is no longer there. The rush to know you are doing something illegal dissappears.
I used this picture, beacuse I think it is hilarious, and it looks real. I think it is weird how anyone in the government 30 years ago would never admit to have used drugs, specifically marijuana, "the devil's grass" as misleading government propaganda would have us believe. There were cartoons and commercials explaining that if you smoke marijuana you would attack your brother with an axe, or that you would cheat on your wife. The fact of the matter is that there has never been a case of murder, or death in a car crash caused by a person solely under the influence of marijuana.
I think now that society has opened up a little bit in realizing that there are millions of people in The United States that use marijuana. Some use it for medicinal reasons, however the majority use it for recreational purposes. In 1992 Bill Clinton, admitted to using marijuana in England, however his famous claim was, "I didn't inhale." How can you smoke marijuana if you didn't inhale, doesn't make much sense. Many people criticized Clinton for being a liar, and not having the guts to admit that he smoked marijuana. Other politicians, as the years have passed are more open to admit that they have tried marijuana. Check out this video showing the Clinton interview where he admits to trying, but not inhaling marijuana, as well as an Anderson Cooper interview of different Senators, where it shows John Kerry admitting that he used marijuana. In the end of the video it shows the interview with Barack Obama admitting that he to, had tried marijuana. The funny comment to note is when Obama said, "I inhaled frequently. That was the point." . I liked this video because it gives a different side proving that Presidents and important politicians are normal. In this case, they are normal because they have tried drugs, as the majority of Americans have.
Yet another blog post talking specifically about the Politicians and The United States government hiding things from the general public. The financial crisis, was something that was an issue in 2004, however with so many different politicians denying the fact that there was a huge economic crisis that we as Americans were going to have to suffer in a few years.
Check out this video, some of the statements given in this video will shock you. It definitely shocked me... . The video in the end points out the fact that Frank Raines who happens to be Barack Obama's Economic Advisor, lied in order to "line his own pockets." Is there proof of this, I dont know. But what I do know is that this video is from 2004, and you can clearly see the Democrats trying to cover up, and make it seem much less important than it was. On the other hand you can see the Republicans clearly trying to explain that there needs to be more regulation of FANNIE MAE and FREDDIE MAC, in order to avoid the foreseable economic crisis down the road. Numerous times throughout the video different Democrats point in the other direction claiming that the regulators are pushing too hard and there is no reason for this because there is no economic crisis going to be brought about by FANNIE MAE and FREDDIE MAC, which of course is a load of crap. The video points out that financial institutions bought out huge packages of loans from FANNIE and FREDDIE because they are government insured. The end of the video, shows a CNN interview with former President Clinton. Where he explains that the Democrats even as far back as when he was President, resisted the Republican cries to "tighten up a little bit on FANNIE MAE and FREDDIE MAC."
When is the American public going to learn that if we don't make ourselves heard, we are going to find ourselves in a terrible world.
The "New World Order refers to a conspiracy theory in which a powerful and secretive group is plotting to eventually rule the World via an autonomous World government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles. In this theory, many significant occurrences are said to be caused by a powerful secret group or groups. Historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to rule the world primarily through a combination of political finance, social engineering, mind control, and fear-based propaganda."
I picked this subject to post on, because this is the end combination, of the conspiracy theories of the Illuminati, and the Freemasons. The idea is that these secret societies have had the goal to create a New World Order, in which the World would be run by a single World government. There are many conspiracy videos on youtube that explain what this means, and evidence that this in fact is something that the Freemasons and Illuminati have been attempting to do since the 1700's. Check out this video, may seem like a load of crap, but there are some interesting facts pointed out... . My favorite part of the video is when they show Bush Sr. explaining that a "New World Order is needed to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind, peace and security, freedom and a rule of law." What is interesting about that statement is that it was given September 11, 1991, and exactly 10 years later, the "attacks" of September 11, 2001 occurred. Is this a coincidence or is it all part of the plan? Another great line in the video is Bush saying, "If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier, as long as I was the dictator." Weird.
People get extremely heated and involved, into the explanations as to how the people behind the New World Order have murdered millions of people, controlled, and enslaved millions of others. They also position themselves to be in charge of the World's money supply. These videos can give you the chills, and even cause a little anxiety in the person watching it. Check out this one... . Here is another quick video explaining how there is a global depression, and a one world global currency. France, China have agreed to create a one world global currency! What is going on? Is the world really coming to an end? Do we have any to get out and save ourselves from what seem eminent? According to this video, no... .
Conspiracy theories fascinate me, mainly because no matter how much time and effort you put into researching one, you could never prove it!
There are many rumors, and conspiracy theories surrounding the Freemasons. They are a secret society, with members all around the world. With about five million members they have been around for hundreds of years. Some of it's members, are some of the most famous leaders in the world, which of course is very suspicious for conspiracy theorists. Some of these famous Freemasons include; Ludwig Von Beethoven, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Harry Truman, Mark Twain, J. Edgar Hoover, and Winston Churchill among many others.
Although the Freemasons come from all over the world, they all share certain basic principles. For instance they all believe in the Supreme Being, which to the Freemasons refers to the Great Architect of the Universe. This belief in their Supreme Being is the source of their symbols for instance the symbol I posted on the top left of this post. Freemasons meet in lodges often marked with the symbol on the top left of the post. This is where conspiracy theorists go crazy. No one knows exactly what goes on inside the lodges, and there is said to be Luciferian practices, and rituals performed inside of the lodges. Conspiracy theorists truly believe that the Freemasons are completely bent on World domination. Since it's creation the church and the government have been weary of what their intentions were. This grew exponentially considering the growing number of Freemasons around the World.
In order to be a Freemason you must fill out a petition, and you must have it signed by two sponsors, who are Freemasons. Once you are voted in by secret ballot, you must undergo an initiation ceremony, which is another highlight for conspiracy theorists. This is where, supposedly, they participate in Luciferian rituals. As they become more involved in the Masonic rituals and beliefs, they can work their way up. There are 33 degrees of Freemasonry, of which hardly any ever reach. As a Freemason works their way up, they must swear to not reveal the secrets of Freemasonry. Why can't they reveal the secrets, and what are they trying to hide? Are two commonly asked questions. As you go up in degrees, the penalties for telling the Freemason secrets range from your tongue being torn out, to having the top of the skull cut off. However Freemasons deny that this is true. There are so many different theories out there and many are backed by fact, others by word of mouth, and some are just ludicrous. I found a good video that explains alot about Freemasons... . You can spend hours immersing yourself into the theories that surround Freemasonry.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Watergate is possibly one of the most infamous, publicized political scandals in American History. But yet many people in my generation do not know much about what happened in the Watergate scandal.
The Watergate scandal involved nine men that broke into the Democratic headquarters in the Watergate Hotel in Washington D.C. on May 27, 1972. Included in these nine men, were two CIA operatives; E. Howard Hunt, and James W. McCord Jr. These men broke into the Democratic headquarters out of fear that President Nixon's bid for reelection was in jeopardy. So to "help" President Nixon, these men broke in and wiretapped phones, stole documents, and took pictures of documents, and all of it was done with President Nixon's knowledge.
The scandal took a turn for the worst when they broke back in to the Watergate Hotel on June 17 to fix a bug that was not working. A suspicious security guard saw the men and called the Police, who arrested McCord and four others. A massive cover-up was started and the race to hide the President's involvement began. Incriminating evidence had been destroyed, and the President thought he was in the clear. So on August 29, 1972 President Nixon "announced that the break-in had been investigated and that no one in the Whitehouse was involved."
Despite Nixon's reelection, he was not let off the hook. And as Nixon himself said, "I welcome this kind of examination, because people have got to know whether or not their President is crook, well I'm not a crook." Check out the Press Conference... . Despite his denial, his tape recorded conversations regarding the "hush" money paid to CIA agent Hunt were what ultimately pinned him against the wall.
To avoid impeachment, Nixon resigned on August 9, 1974 (two years later). Here is his resignation... . Vice President Gerald Ford, was then sworn in as President, and granted former President Nixon a blanket pardon on September 8, 1974 which eliminated any possibility of indictment.
Yet another Government scandal that they couldn't cover up.